Dragon 9 Training
Module 8
Module VIII uses six critical steps to empower clients. Helps to understand their situations and possible solutions.
It is not counselling, rather a gateway for further programs and services.
The Philosophy behind this session is to help “empower” the client, it is important to note, this is done by the use of six critical steps which help the client understand his/her situation and what is to be done. Group interaction sessions (approximately two hours) allow the members to give each other support and to normalize their reaction to unemployment by listening to others reactions. Individual sessions, one-on-one interviews typically take 20 minutes, including documentation.
You should attend if you:
Are currently working on the front lines of career and employment services
Are seeking further development and greater satisfaction in your current position
Want to empower individuals in identifying their strengths, values and services
Are seeking to understand the resources and capacity of your community
You will learn:
To effectively clarify the purpose of the interview with the client
To identify the client’s and service provider’s role and responsibilities
To affirm the individual’s emotional state within the job loss cycle
To assess with the individual or members, their employment strengths and needs
To explain program and service interventions related to that need
How to assist individuals one on one and in a group to develop an effective career development action plan